Press Releases

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Survey on the Cooperation between Humans and Robots in a Common Workspace without Cages

Among other things, BIBA researchers are working on how humans and robots can work together in a common workspace. (Photo: Tine Casper / Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Bremen)

Bremen researchers ask for support in investigations on potentials and challenges for direct cooperation between humans and machines | Human-Robot Collaborations (MRK) in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Focus.

Press Release (German)
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idw-announcement (11.06.2019)
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BIBA, June 11th, 2019

Künftig ohne Zaun Hand in Hand mit dem Roboter: Forschungen zum Miteinander von Mensch und Maschine

Foto: Aaron Heuermann (BIBA)

Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration (MRK): Neues Forschungsprojekt „Autonomes Assistenzsystem zur Unterstützung von MRK-Montageprozessen (AutARK) nimmt Fahrt auf | Förderung im BMWi-Programm „Digitale Technologien für die Wirtschaft“ mit 1,3 Millionen Euro

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BIBA, 14.02.2019

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Transparent Supply Chains
February 19, 2025, online
BIBA with AutoLog on the Forum Automotive Logistics 2025
February 18-19, 2025, Dresden
BIBA with LogDynamics at the LogisticsConnect Congress Fair
March 6-7, 2025, Bremen
Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA

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