M. Sc. Robert Hellbach
Senior Research Associate in der IKAP-Abteilung Intelligente IuK-Umgebungen für die kooperative Produktion
AI-DAPT | AIOps framework to support and automate data and AI pipelines |
SmartPower | Training towards resilient micro-grids for smart factories |
Skills4PdM | Employees Skills for Predictive Maintenance |
SmartSense | Smart Sensor Platform for Autonomous Rope-Force measurement in Safety-Critical and Harsh Environments |
NIMBLE | Collaborative Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe |
In-Control | Integrated Controlled Test Environment |
bIoTope | Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects |
M. Sc. Robert Hellbach BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH Hochschulring 20 28359 Bremen |
Telefon | +49 421 218-50 110 |
Sprachen | Deutsch, Englisch (Spanisch, Französisch) |