Info for Prospective Students
Attracting children and young adults to engineering professions: BIBA believes that it has a social responsibility in this regard. It participates on a regular basis in events or trial days at universities. The institute also supports and accompanies, for example, trainees of the University of Bremen.
Course information days and “world hero” days, an initiative from the Production Technology department, are aimed particularly at young people who are about to start their school-leaving examinations. BIBA is always represented at such events with attractive offerings. The events offer students an insight into the various engineering subjects as well as suggestions regarding the selection of their studies and career.
More about events…Formal job training at BIBA
At BIBA, IT specialists are trained either in the field of application development or system integration. As is generally the case for the public sector in Bremen, training is managed by the Ausbildungsgesellschaft Bremen mbH (ABiG).
In cooperation with the university of bremen, part of the formal job training involved in becoming a cutting machine operator specialising in the field of milling technology and in becoming an industrial mechanic specialising in the field of instrument and precision engineering is completed at BIBA.
February 19, 2025, online
BIBA with AutoLog on the Forum Automotive Logistics 2025
February 18-19, 2025, Dresden
BIBA with LogDynamics at the LogisticsConnect Congress Fair
March 6-7, 2025, Bremen
Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA
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