Abdullah al Noman
Research Associate in the IKAP department Collaborative Business in Enterprise networks
Research interest
Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision
SMALO, Binntelligent, TinKer No-Stress Manufacturing AI Automated Industry Analytics
AI Industry Analytic | AI Automated Industrial Analytics: Empowering shop floor workers of all skill sets to make informed, smart decisions at speed. |
No-Stress Manu. | No-Stress Manufacturing | Monitoring Human Factors at the Production Line |
Abdullah al Noman BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH Hochschulring 20 28359 Bremen |
Telephone | +49 421 218-50 186 |
Languages | English, German, Bengali |
ORCID | 0000-0002-9026-5517 |
ReseachGate-Profil von Abdullah al |