Konstantin Klein
Senior Research Associate in the IKAP department Intelligent ICT for Co-operative Production
TrackInWare | Plant efficiency through affordable real-time tracking systems |
TOKIOS | Test Optimierung mittels KI-basierter Observer & Simulationen |
SmartPower | Training towards resilient micro-grids for smart factories |
BiT-Data | Big Test Data Management |
MeshTrack | Development of a hybrid RTT-/BLE positioning system for efficient asset tracking via mesh-based Beaconing |
DIH4CPS | Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in CyberPhysical Systems of European SMEs |
RAINBOW | An Open, Trusted Fog Computing Platform Facilitating the Deployment, Orchestration and Management of Scalable, Heterogeneous and Secure IoT Services and cross-Cloud Apps |
MARS | Mobile Autonomous Robot for Safe sorting |
AssetUp4.0 | Edge intelligence for condition monitoring and status visibility of assets in harsh industrial environments |
AGILE-VT | Agile Virtual Testing: Alignment of Tesing Environments |
RAMEN | Resilient Industrial Platform for the Advanced Visualisation of Predictive Maintenance |
SmartSense | Smart Sensor Platform for Autonomous Rope-Force measurement in Safety-Critical and Harsh Environments |
KIPro | AI supported platform for the assistance of production control for improving energy efficiency |
In-Control | Integrated Controlled Test Environment |
STEVE | System-Technik und Virtuelle Erprobung |
RISKLES | Concept and exemplary implementation of a standardized personnel management process for risk minimization in the deployment of experts for airport security. |
FITMAN | Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing industries |
SaMSys 2 | Safety Management System zur Verbesserung der Flugsicherheit 2 |
AET | Aviation Engineering Tool |
BreTeCe | Bremen Technology Center |
SaMSys | Safety Management System zur Verbesserung der Flugsicherheit |
IDS | Intelligentes Desktopmanagement System |
Konstantin Klein BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH Hochschulring 20 28359 Bremen |
Telephone | +49 421 218-50 114 |