Konstantin Klein

Senior Research Associate in the IKAP department Intelligent ICT for Co-operative Production


TrackInWare Plant efficiency through affordable real-time tracking systems
TOKIOS Test Optimierung mittels KI-basierter Observer & Simulationen
SmartPower Training towards resilient micro-grids for smart factories
BiT-Data Big Test Data Management
MeshTrack Development of a hybrid RTT-/BLE positioning system for efficient asset tracking via mesh-based Beaconing
DIH4CPS Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in CyberPhysical Systems of European SMEs
RAINBOW An Open, Trusted Fog Computing Platform Facilitating the Deployment, Orchestration and Management of Scalable, Heterogeneous and Secure IoT Services and cross-Cloud Apps
MARS Mobile Autonomous Robot for Safe sorting
AssetUp4.0 Edge intelligence for condition monitoring and status visibility of assets in harsh industrial environments
AGILE-VT Agile Virtual Testing: Alignment of Tesing Environments
RAMEN Resilient Industrial Platform for the Advanced Visualisation of Predictive Maintenance
SmartSense Smart Sensor Platform for Autonomous Rope-Force measurement in Safety-Critical and Harsh Environments
KIPro AI supported platform for the assistance of production control for improving energy efficiency
In-Control Integrated Controlled Test Environment
STEVE System-Technik und Virtuelle Erprobung
RISKLES Concept and exemplary implementation of a standardized personnel management process for risk minimization in the deployment of experts for airport security.
FITMAN Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing industries
SaMSys 2 Safety Management System zur Verbesserung der Flugsicherheit 2
AET Aviation Engineering Tool
BreTeCe Bremen Technology Center
SaMSys Safety Management System zur Verbesserung der Flugsicherheit
IDS Intelligentes Desktopmanagement System


Konstantin Klein
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen

Telephone +49 421 218-50 114

Konstantin Klein

Senior Research Associate in der IKAP-Abteilung Intelligente IuK-Umgebungen für die kooperative Produktion

Telephone +49 421 218-50 114

Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
February 25, 2025, online

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