
Eike Broda, M.Sc.

Senior Research Associate in the IPS department System Design and Planning


hyBit Hydrogen for Bremen’s industrial transformation
AdaptiveSBO An adaptive simulation-based optimisation approach for the scheduling and control of dynamic manufacturing systems
DPNB Dynamic Production Network Broker
COL4INDLOG Collaborative processes for industry and logistics interaction including B2B and B2G and the synchro modality paradigm


Eike Broda, M.Sc.
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen

Telephone +49 421 218-50 047
ORCID 0000-0002-8150-4715
ReseachGate-Profil von Eike

Eike Broda, M.Sc.

Senior Research Associate in der IPS-Abteilung Systemgestaltung und Planung

Telephone +49 421 218-50 047

Growmorrow - Festival of the Future
August 8, 2024, Wilhelmshaven
AI for Lean IoT
August 8, 2024, Oldenburg
BIBA auf der SMM 2024
September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg
How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?
September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
September 18, 2024, online

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