© Mimi Potter / Fotolia

Industry 4.0 – a topic BIBA deals with for more than 20 years

For much more than 20 years, BIBA has been exploring what is understood today as “Industry 4.0” – the technological and organisational challenges, as well as the opportunities presented by the digitalisation of logistics and production processes and how human beings fit into these processes.


Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg

BIBA is a partner in the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg, an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the “Mittelstand Digital” funding initiative. The center pursues the goal of increasing the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Northwest Metropolitan Region through individual support measures.


© Claas Beckmann

Factory of Expertise on “Autonomous Control in Production und Logistics”

The factory of expertise on “Autonomous Control in Production und Logistics” was erected at BIBA as part of the initiative “Mit uns digital! The centre for Niedersachsen and Bremen”. It offers courses specifically for small and medium-sized companies to help them on their way toward the digital future.


© Sabine Nollmann

Offers for the industry

Since it was founded, BIBA has maintained a lively exchange with the business world and has engaged in numerous collaborations with users in practical applications. Our success relies on dialogue, so our laboratories are used for more than just research and teaching; they also serve to impart and implement our research findings in industrial applications. We have borne this in mind when developing our offers for companies.


Flyer: "BIBA‘s Competences for Digitalization and Industry 4.0" (PDF 1,0 MB)

September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven
Shaping Value Creation with Energy Transition
September 25, 2024
Autumn Internship 2024
October 7-11, 2024, Bremen
Cobot from BIBA at the BVL Supply Chain CX 2024
October 23-25, 2024, Berlin
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
February 25, 2025, online

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