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How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?

September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen

Image: Heiko Duin

In the interests of climate protection and energy transition, production and logistics, as the largest consumers of primary energy, must be persuaded to rethink: Away from compensation payments, towards the use of renewable energies, the application of efficiency technologies and the formation of flexibility measures. In this context, the BIBA - Bremen Institute of Production and Logistics is conducting research into future value creation in production and logistics systems based on a sustainable product life cycle. Circular economy and energy are key success factors here. One focus of this research is the integration of energy systems in production and logistics systems at product and process level, specifically in the area of the generation, storage and use of renewable energies in the electricity, heating and mobility sectors. During the guided tour in the BIBA research hall, we will explore the question of how climate-neutral, competitive production and logistics processes can be generated and implemented in order to create added value for society. Join us and

  • find out how BIBA, with its holistic view of production and logistics, contributes to the creation and use of innovative synergy effects through the integrated use of renewable energies and sector coupling.
  • explore an energy self-sufficient learning factory that has produced innovative solutions for nature conservation in Blockland, among other things.
  • Get to know a low-code platform that makes it possible to develop AI models independently and without expert knowledge with the aim of identifying potential energy savings in production.


The lab tour is offered by BIBA in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and the Lilienthal Volunteer Agency.

Details and registration

Maritime meets Digital - BIBA at the SMM 2024

September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg

Image: SMM

Digital transformation, climate change and the maritime energy transition require ground-breaking, implementable solutions - and they will be in the spotlight at the SMM 2024 maritime trade fair. BIBA will be present with LogDynamics at the joint stand of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and present the topic of digitalization in the maritime industry.

We warmly invite you to visit us at stand 130 in hall B7. You can look forward to getting to know our maritime-related projects and be inspired by examples of digitalization in the port. Find out how you can use artificial intelligence to optimally plan and control port handling or how autonomous driving processes and dynamic storage and logistics concepts can be implemented on automotive terminals in the future.


How AI Helps to Generate Value from Your Machine Data

August 8, 2024, Oldenburg

Image: Aleksandra Himstedt

Do you also generate data in your company but do not use it optimally? Under the motto "AI for Lean IoT", we will show you in the innovation workshop how you can use artificial intelligence to create a low-threshold IoT platform to optimally collect and use your production data.

Find out how you can meet the challenge of integrating many different devices, data and data sources and integrate them into a single, easy-to-use IoT data platform. Based on proven and secure open source software, you can store, visualize and transform data and information, as well as create customized applications - without being tied to a specific vendor and as a long-term investment for your future IoT strategy.

The innovation workshop is offered in cooperation between BIBA, the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and SWMS Consulting GmbH.

Details and registration

Growmorrow - Festival of the Future

August 8, 2024, Wilhelmshaven

Picture: Jan Meier

How will we actually live in the north-west in ten years' time? Some technological and social developments are already foreseeable. This will be discussed over three days in August at the Growmorrow future festival. Celebrities such as Sascha Lobo, Frank Thelen and Claudia Kemfert will take to the stage to talk and discuss with many clever people from the region. The core question is always what the north-west needs to do today and tomorrow in order to be successful and liveable the day after tomorrow. Because change is coming anyway - we only benefit if we shape it. 

Growmorrow is an event organised by the Nordwest-Mediengruppe. In Wilhelmshaven (8th of August), Oldenburg (15th of August) and Aurich (22nd of August), the future of energy production, mobility, education, healthcare and many other topics will be discussed. The festival day in Wilhelmshaven will focus on the port industry. In line with this, BIBA will be presenting a demonstrator from the Port2Connect project with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. Port2Connect is developing a digital port logbook that increases the transparency and visibility of processes in the port and enables automatic planning and optimisation with artificial intelligence. The intelligent monitoring and assistance system digitally accompanies and monitors ships during their stay in the harbour. The port logbook is being developed as an example for 2,200 metres of the Stromkaje in Bremerhaven. Sounds interesting? Then come and visit us in Wilhelmshaven and take a look into the future with us! 


Digital Tour 2024 - Vechta

June 17, 2024, Vechta

Image: Thomas Frank

The digital future is coming to your region - get ready for the “Digital Tour 2024” from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. We will be making a stop in Bremen, Wilhelmshaven and Vechta in June and bringing you various applications for practical digital use in your company. You can expect a mix of presentations, demonstrators and networking.

Since the beginning of the year, there has been an AI future workshop at the Ulderup Academy in Vechta with many special demonstrators. The digital tour of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg will make a stop here on June 17. On the forecourt, visitors will be welcomed by the mobile factory of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover with a simulation of various digital production steps.

The event will kick off with a keynote speech on the introduction, potential and possible applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in small and medium-sized businesses. After a small snack break, there will be an opportunity to get to know the demonstrators in the new AI future workshop and from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and the mobile factory in group tours. Finally, an interactive hands-on experience awaits you: participants will be put in the fictitious and playful competitive situation of a company to attack its own business model with new technologies. Analogous to real business models in the economy, such as Airbnb, CEWE photo books and Uber, new technologies and trends are used to destroy an existing business model. Collaboration between mixed teams connects and also offers approaches to networking.

Further information and registration


Bremen AI Days - Artificial Intelligence You Can Touch

June 12-13, 2024, DHI, Bremen

Image: Alex/

Have you always wanted to find out more about artificial intelligence? Then come to the Bremen AI Days of the Transfer Center for Artificial Intelligence BREMEN.AI at the Digital Hub Industry and become part of Bremen's AI scene. Be inspired by the technology and network with companies and institutions. At this event, you will have the opportunity to take part in presentations and workshops and discover innovative demonstrators you can touch. BIBA and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg will once again be taking part in the Bremen AI Days and will be presenting a demonstrator on the use of AI for greater energy efficiency in production. The innovative solution enables companies to develop AI models independently and without expert knowledge, with the aim of identifying potential energy savings in production.

Join us and be inspired by AI!

Details and registration

Digital Tour 2024 - Wilhelmshaven

June 11, 2024, Wilhelmshaven

Image: Thomas Frank

The digital future is coming to your region - get ready for the “Digital Tour 2024” from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. We will be making a stop in Bremen, Wilhelmshaven and Vechta in June and bringing you various applications for practical digital use in your company. You can expect a mix of presentations, demonstrators and networking.

On June 11, we will make a stop in Wilhelmshaven. The “Digital Tour 2024” will make a guest appearance there at the SME meeting of the Wilhelmshaven Economic Development Corporation (WFG). This year, the event will take place at a very special location: the Ruscherei. In addition to the keynote speech “The hype surrounding sustainability reporting”, a simulation of automated production processes can be experienced on site using the BIBA demonstrator of the Fischertechnik learning factory. In addition, Lernort Technik und Natur e.V., which is located opposite, will be offering guided tours of its premises.

Further information and registration

Stressed at Work? Digital Assistants Can Help!

June 7, 2024, online

Image: Michel Iffländer (GfG) / Universität Bremen

Digitalization is changing the world and is finding its way into many areas of our lives. It is also increasingly supporting us at work. In the future, digital assistants will perform heavy or complex tasks instead of us or together with us. But how exactly does this work? Answers and examples will be provided at the virtual demonstration in the BIBA Shop Floor on Digital Day 2024, to which we would like to cordially invite you.

- You can look forward to seeing robots working hand-in-hand with humans, how this collaboration works and for which tasks it makes sense.

- Get to know assistance systems that support assembly and how humans can give commands to a robot system without using the programming language.

- Find out how a digital voice assistant equipped with artificial intelligence supports employees in production by taking over time-consuming and stressful tasks.

The virtual demonstration is offered by BIBA in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg.

Details and registration

Digital Tour 2024 – Bremen

June 6, 2024, Bremen and online

Image: Thomas Frank

 The digital future is coming to your region - get ready for the "Digital Tour 2024" from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. The tour will make one stop each in Bremen, Wilhelmshaven and Vechta in June and bring along various applications for practical digital use for companies. You can expect a mix of presentations, demonstrators and networking.

Sustainable business models, supported by artificial intelligence (AI), play a decisive role in the sustainable success of companies today. They not only enable a reduction in the ecological footprint, but also contribute to social responsibility. But what actually makes a business model sustainable and how can AI support this?

This is exactly what the Digital Center will shed light on in the big kick-off event for the "Digital Tour 2024" in Bremen! With an exciting combination of presentations, interactive workshops and discussion tables, the tour offers the opportunity to explore this topic in depth.

In the presentations, you will gain practical insights into various aspects of sustainability, AI and business modeling. In the interactive workshops that follow, you can deepen your knowledge and explore specific applications. The discussion tables enable an informal exchange with experts and other participants to develop new perspectives together. Join us and discover how your company can benefit from sustainable business models, AI and innovative approaches!

Details and registration

Hackathon "Human-Robot Interaction"

April 25 and 26, 2024, BIBA, Bremen


Are you studying and looking for exciting challenges? Then join the ACROBA Hackathon on April 25 and 26, 2024 at BIBA at the University of Bremen!

We are looking for Bachelor's and Master's students who want to demonstrate their programming skills in Python and ROS/ROS2 in teams (you can also register as individuals). If you think creatively and enjoy development, this is your chance to help shape the future of human-robot interaction.

What you can expect:

• Unique opportunity to put your skills to the test and solve real problems.

• Work on real challenges in human-robot interaction and collaboration.

• Prizes worth a total of €2000 for the winning teams. - Free drinks and pizza.

Take part and show what you're made of! Improve the interaction between humans and robots, contribute fresh ideas and win great prizes. We look forward to your creative solutions and to seeing you at the hackathon! Register now and be part of the ACROBA Hackathon in Bremen.

You will receive further information after your registration at ACROBA Hackathon

September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven
Shaping Value Creation with Energy Transition
September 25, 2024
Autumn Internship 2024
October 7-11, 2024, Bremen
Cobot from BIBA at the BVL Supply Chain CX 2024
October 23-25, 2024, Berlin
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
February 25, 2025, online

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