BIBA Combines Research and Academic Education

BIBA is strongly involved in academic teaching and qualification through the connection of the two specialist fields Planning and Control of Production and Logistics Systems (PSPS) and Integrated Product Development (BIK) with the Department of Production Technology – Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering at the University of Bremen.

Once enrolled in the department, students can study courses in Production Technology (mechanical engineering and process engineering), Business Engineering, the Industrial Engineering work-while-you-study Masters course, vocational training and teaching posts at vocational schools, as well as the Bachelors/Masters of Science course in Systems Engineering. BIBA contributes to a multitude of events related to the quality of engineering education. It pays particular attention to practical relevance and incorporates current research and development projects into lectures and labs.

Students also benefit from BIBA’s academic work in other ways. Exciting topics for final papers constantly arise from the various projects and collaborations at the institute, as well as valuable offers for internships and exchange semesters. Furthermore, BIBA offers student assistant jobs to young engineers as an opportunity to develop key skills to supplement those gained over the course of their studies, to become involved in research projects, as well as to establish contacts in the world of science and industry.

List of selected Lectures

Winter Term

Lecture Lecturer
Angewandte Produktions­logistik Prof. Thomas Wimmer
Anwendung eines 3D-CAD-SystemsProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Thorsten Tietjen
Berufsbild Wirtschaftsingenieur*inProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Data Science und Maschinelles Lernen in der Produktion und LogistikProf. Michael Freitag
Extended ProductsProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Fabrik­planungProf. Michael Freitag
Industrial EngineeringDr. Hartmut Höhns
Informatik Grundlagen (EDV 1)Dr. Carl Hans und wM
Konstruktions­systematik & Produkt­entwicklungProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Thorsten Tietjen
Mensch-Technik-InteraktionDr. Hendrik Stern
Modellierung und Simulation in Produktion und Logistik Michael Görges
Produktionsplanung und -steuerungDr. Tobias Sprodowski
System­analyse 2 - LehrprojektProf. Michael Freitag
Technisches Zeichnen (K-Lehre 1)Prof. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Vernetzte Unternehmens­­prozesseProf. Marcus Seifert

Summer Term

Lecture Lecturer
Angewandte Kontraktlogistik Prof. Thomas Wimmer
Anwendung von KonstruktionsmethodenProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben , Thorsten Tietjen
Concurrent EngineeringDr. Frithof Weber
Führung und OrganisationDr. Lars Förster
Identifikations­systeme in Produktion und LogistikProf. Michael Freitag
Informations­technische Anwendungen in
Produktion und Wirtschaft (IAPW)
Prof. Michael Freitag
Konstruktions­methodikProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Modellierung soziotechnischer SystemeDr. Matthias Burwinkel
Produktions­systematikProf. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Prof. Marcus Seifert
System­analyse 1Prof. Michael Freitag
System­analyse 2 - LehrprojektProf. Michael Freitag
Technische Logistik Dr. Ann-Kathrin Rohde
Unternehmens- und BetriebsführungProf. Klaus Jürgen Heimbrock