Research Divisions

The scientists at BIBA carry out research in the two divisions:

© Jan Meier


Fundamental research, research and development work, as well as the implementation of research results in industrial practice all take place at BIBA in the form of projects.

The following sub-pages provide an overview of current and completed projects.


With numerous publications and presentations on a variety of topics for various audiences, BIBA is upholding its commitment to imparting knowledge. You can find specialised publications from BIBA here. The institute's own series is published by the Verlag Mainz publishing house (Aachen), whilst other textbooks have been issued by GITO in Berlin.

The following sub-page lists the publications undertaken at BIBA.


BIBA represents application-oriented, differentiated academic training at the highest level. This is demonstrated by the doctoral research carried out in the subject areas linked to BIBA in the University's faculty for Production Engineering. Scientists from all over the world come to BIBA to carry out research and pursue a doctorate.

The following sub-page lists the dissertations undertaken at BIBA.

© Jan Meier


BIBA is involved in both pure and applied research projects. We are always committed to relaying our research findings to industrial applications. With this in mind, we regularly patent developments from our laboratories and deliver training to our scientists and students on industrial property rights and on patenting and utilisation strategies as part of their academic development. In doing this, we work closely with the InnoWi patenting and utilisation agency based in Bremen.

The following sub-page lists the patents undertaken at BIBA.

September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven
Shaping Value Creation with Energy Transition
September 25, 2024
Autumn Internship 2024
October 7-11, 2024, Bremen
Cobot from BIBA at the BVL Supply Chain CX 2024
October 23-25, 2024, Berlin
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
February 25, 2025, online

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