Christoph Petzoldt
Department Head of the IPS department Robotics and Automation
Curriculum vitae
Christoph Petzoldt studied Systems Engineering (B.Sc and M.Sc) at the University of Bremen, focusing on automation technology and robotics, and graduated in 2017. After his graduation, he was until 2019 in the Robotics Group of the University of Bremen, where he worked in the field of machine learning and did research on learning robotic skills from human demonstration. Since then, Mr. Petzoldt has been working as a researcher at the 'Bremer Institute for Production and Logistics (BIBA)' in the Robotics and Automation department. During this time, he worked on and led R&D projects in the fields of production, logistics, and process automation with a focus on industrial assembly. His main research interests are in the areas of intelligent human-robot collaboration, dynamically reconfigurable production systems as well as assistance systems for human-machine interaction. Since 2020, Mr. Petzoldt has been head of the department Robotics and Automation. In 2024, he started lecturing on technical logistics at the University of Bremen.
Research interest
- Intelligent human-robot collaboration
- Dynamic task allocation in hybrid assembly systems
- Intelligent assembly assistance systems
- Assistance systems for human-technology interaction
- Control and interaction with autonomous mobile robots
- Digital twin for control and monitoring of production and logistics systems
- Modular and reconfigurable assembly systems
RIG | Robotics Institute Germany |
RessourcE | Developing human resources in service work |
SMART | Dynamic control of collaborative assembly in the digital twin using AR and AI-based situation recognition |
AITeach | Automatic Interpretation and Creation of Assembly-Processes from Demonstration |
MEXOT | Intelligent work ergonomics using sensory exoskeletons and autonomous transport systems for enhanced human-technology interaction in automotive cargo handling |
exoMATCH | Intelligent Exoskeleton/Task Matchmaking |
Astradis | Automated Specification Tool for AGV Deployment in SMBs |
EKIMuPP | Design of a digital and AI-assisted flexible assembly line to increase product and process innovation |
KoMILo | Context-dependent, Al-based interface for multimodal human-machine interaction with technical logistics systems |
IRiS | Interactive robotic system for unloading of sea containers |
AxIoM | Gamified AI Assistance System for Support of Manual Assembly Processes |
PaTRo | Pallet-Tagging-Robot: Development of a demonstrator for automatic attaching of RFID transponders on wooden-flat-pallets |
RobLog | Cognitive Robot for Automation of Logistic Processes |
INPRO | Substitution einer bisherigen Fertigungstechnologie durch FSW |
Celluveyor | Highly Flexible and Modular Conveying and Positioning System based on Omnidirectional Technology |
EMOSES | Development of a method to recognize universal logistic goods inside a container using 3D vision |
OT-B | Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbasierte Logistik- und Ressourcenplanung des Offshore-Terminals Bremerhaven |
SIMKAB | Simplifizierte Kabine |
RoboCon | Schnelle Konsolidierung und Dekonsolidierung von Seecontainern mittels Robotik und dynamischer Beladungsplanung |
SAViNG | StAhl- und Eisenschrott VerfolguNG |
DrugRob | Automatische Beladung von Rollcontainern |
OMrEST | Optimierung des Materialflusses bei der roboterbasierten Entnahme von logistischen Stückgütern aus Transportcontainern zur Sicherstellung der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Gesamtsystems |
Kaffeerob | Automatic robot-based unloading of bagged goods from containers |
Hanserob | Hanserob |
Christoph Petzoldt BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH Hochschulring 20 28359 Bremen |
Telephone | +49 421 218-50 119 |
ORCID | 0000-0003-2873-4404 |
ReseachGate-Profil von Christoph |
Direct to ...
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