BIBA Gender Equality Plan

BIBA introduced a gender equality plan in 2019 (called BIBA Women's Promotion Plan 2019 - 2023) as an independent instrument to realize gender equality in the scientific and non-scientific areas of BIBA. It describes objectives and measures for equal opportunities and the professional advancement of women in the institute. Paths are taken with the Gender Equality Plan towards the equality of women and men at BIBA that go beyond merely human resource-related aspects.

The basis of BIBA’s Gender Equality Plan is the Equal Opportunity Act of the State of Bremen of November 20, 1990. This plan follows the constitutional mandate from Article 3 (2) of the Constitution (Grundgesetz) and aims to realize the fundamental right of equal rights for women and men. The focal points for fulfilling this goal are:

  • targeted career development of women,
  • improvement of access and promotion conditions for women,
  • significant increase in the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented,
  • reduction of existing disadvantages for women,
  • better reconciliation of work and family life for women and men.

Dedicated resources

BIBA has appointed a women's representative. The women's representative is responsible for any affairs and measures concerning the equality of women in the institute. She/he will be involved in planning as well as in decisions of the management, especially in personnel, social and organizational decisions. BIBA’s work council can also perform these tasks as a substitute.

Data collection and monitoring

BIBA aims to significantly increase the proportion of women in areas where they are underrepresented. Data classified by gender on all categories of personnel are collected and monitored.

The table below shows the proportion of female employees as of December 31, 2021, by status group. Target numbers are derived from the latest available statistics of the University of Bremen on the proportions of women of Faculty 4, according to the DFG's cascade model.


Status Group% FemaleTarget Number / %
Academic Staff14 %12 / 19 %
Technical Staff17 %3 / 50 %
Other Staff88 %4 / 50 %


Gender equality in recruitment and career progression

The design of job advertisements and the personnel selection process in BIBA is intended to result in women being particularly addressed and given an equal opportunity in the selection process. Part-time employees seeking full-time employment are given preference in filling full-time positions if they have the same professional and personal qualifications.

Education and Training

BIBA promotes gender equality in all areas. In order to achieve this goal, it intends to provide employees with appropriate training opportunities.

BIBA promotes the professional development of female employees in its research areas, e.g. by offering special qualification measures or assigning special tasks that enable them to take on management functions.

BIBA organizes access to training positions in a non-discriminatory manner. When allocating training places, BIBA gives preference to women with equal qualifications in those occupational areas in which they have so far been underrepresented at BIBA.

Work-life balance and organizational culture

BIBA promotes a work-life balance of work and family and gives part-time employees the same opportunities for career advancement and further training as full-time employees.

BIBA and its employees have recognized that work and family cannot be separated. Therefore, BIBA supports its employees in the use of flexible childcare arrangements.

Gender balance in leadership and decision-making

BIBA promotes the qualification of women as future leaders.

The preparation of selected female employees for future leadership positions includes targeted support for technical and leadership skills. Measures such as training, training seminars, the gradual expansion of fields of work in connection with the assignment of new tasks, more responsibility and decision-making skills, the targeted assignment of deputy functions, the coordination of projects and participation in committees should lead to women of the institute being qualified for leadership positions within and outside the institute.

Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content

BIBA strives to incorporate aspects of the gender dimension throughout its research and teaching, resulting in a variety of findings and solutions that can be applied to diverse users.

Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

Head of Institutes of BIBA are obliged to immediately investigate any cases of sexual discrimination based on the instructions of the State of Bremen "On the Prohibition of Sexual Discrimination and Violence in the Workplace" and the Employee Protection Act "Law for the Protection of Employees against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace".